Log Prune

WHMCS Services created a small module of Admin Section as a result of my database becoming too large for the log it saves in. This module helps to easily remove entire logs that have been there for years. Automatically purge the log tables to reduce the size of the database.


A smaller database and fewer entries mean increased performance and lower resource usage.
Admin Purge old and/or unwanted entries from your WHMCS database.
Auto Prune Admin Logs or Prune Admin Logs
Auto Prune Ticket Logs or Prune Ticket Logs
Auto Prune License Logs or Prune License Logs
Auto Prune LiveHelp Activity or Prune LiveHelp Activity
Auto Prune System Activity Log or Prune System Activity Log
Auto Prune LiveHelp Chats or Prune LiveHelp Chats
Auto Prune LiveHelp Messages or Prune LiveHelp Messages
Auto Prune Tickets – If you prune tickets this will delete all the replies and attachment in this ticket or Prune Tickets – If you enable auto prune tickets this will delete all the replies and attachment in this ticket
Auto Prune Cancel/Unpaid Invoices or Prune Cancel/Unpaid Invoices or Prune Cancelled/Fraud Orders or Prune Cancelled/Fraud Orders
Auto Prune Ticket Notes Logs or Prune Ticket Notes
Auto Prune Email Messages or Prune Email Messages
Multiple Language

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